Home |
traditionalCzech productionfor the pharmaceutical and food industries |
Ecology |
even plasticscan be ecofood and health are our field, we therefore place great emphasis on ecological procedures and social responsibility in plastic packaging production |
Inspiration |
we are inspiredby the best in the industrywe are following the path of Swiss and Scandinavian companies, which have long managed to combine their business with an ecologically and socially responsible approach to their surroundings
Job positions
Job positions |
we createjob positionswe are at home in the Moravian-Silesian Region and with the expected decline of mines, smelters and foundries we create new job positions so that everyone will prosper here in the years to come |
Investment |
we investin developmentwe are preparing a new plant with the latest technologies, which will offer work to other people in the area and facilitate the transition from devastating mining to ecological business in the 21st century |
Tradition |
we have a traditionand a strong philosophywe are a Czech company built from scratch by a Czech family, we have gone through a difficult path and we value everyone who works as hard and honestly as we do |
Responsibility |
socialresponsibilitywe are grateful for our success, so we repay where we can since 2015 we have donated 2,974,309 CZK to support nearby hospitals, municipalities, associations, parishes and sports clubs |